TEL: 0208 991 3398

Wills & estate planning specialists

0203 488 3997

We provide clear and straightforward advice for individuals, families and business owners about Wills, LPAs and Trusts.

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0203 488 3997

We make sure your family, dependants or chosen charities are provided for in the manner you want and in the most tax efficient way.

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Lasting powers of attorney

0203 488 3997

We provide professional yet empathetic assistance for those who feel they cannot continue to handle their financial and healthcare affairs.

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0203 488 3997

Through careful planning wealth can be passed on to the next generation in a beneficial manner which may also include potential tax savings.

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Brexit: When all around are losing their heads …

Brexit: When all around are losing their heads …

Whether you voted “out” or “in”, the Brexit vote has certainly stirred up a torrent of uncertainty in the world.  Not only has Britain become divided and Europe shocked, but even the South Korean Government and their stock exchange held emergency discussions on how to respond to our decision to leave the European Union!

Right now everything seems uncertain and in the words of Rudyard Kipling’s famous poem ‘If’

“If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

….. Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And – which is more – you’ll be a Man my son!”

So with stock markets falling, the political class in turmoil and significant changes occurring, what certainties can we hold on to?

Well its unlikely to surprise you that as Will writers and estate planners we are going to say ‘the only certainty in life is death!’. Sad but true, that is the reality we all face. It therefore follows, that we’ll stress the importance of making your Will and taking advice on your estate.

Life is short and the consequences of not addressing these important matters can leave your relatives uncertain of your wishes or potentially stop loved ones from inheriting as you would have wanted when you pass away.

Don’t let the changes in politics, the financial markets or the economy (to name a few) stop you from making your Will and taking advice on your estate.

We can talk you through your options and help you create some certainty in a changing world. Contact us at or 0208 537 3448.

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